I'll leave the recaplets and reviews to the other TV blogs out there. Does this show suck? Probably. Do I watch it reluctantly? Maybe. Do people fucking love it? Yup.
Despite the questionable casting call of enlisting the twins from VH1's Best Week Ever as conjoined adults, people love their Grey's Anatomy. First time writer for the show Carolina Paiz brought it with the script and veteran cinematographers Adam Kane (Boondock Saints, Heroes, episode 1) and Tim Suhrstedt (everything) delivered with compelling cinematography. But the real stars of the show? Ah, those endearing themes.
With the title "Don't Stand So Close to Me" and story lines revolving around dependence, independence, reliance and, um, science Thursday's episode brought the issue of family to the fore. Mom rejects daughter; daughter rejects half-sister; McHomophobe rejects McDreamy; and Meredith needs Christina like Kathy Lee needs Regis. Since the characters of Grey's are so amorous with each other, why the viewers gotta be so irate?
Seems like the soapy nature of Grey's Season 3 sullied up the previous go to forum for GA fans:
Could it be that the inane, childish, kindergarten mentality of the majority of the posts have driven the moderators to hide away and wait for you guys to GROW UP!
Who's sexier? Who's cuter? Who's dress was ugly? I think Mer is a whore!
I think that what we need is a board exclusively for people who use OMG! as a regular preamble to their posts, who start polls on sexiness etc.
SERIOUSLY, I don't even like coming on here anymore, and I am probably the only moderator you have left
So where have they all gone?
Members of GA Online have MOVED
Hi. I'm just making yet another topic about the new forum. I just want you guys to know about it, in case some have not heard. A lot of us have moved to a new board, First Cut. The mods and admin on this board are no longer active, and it has become flooded with spam. This was the main reason for the change.
So if you would like to join us at the new forum here is the link.
http://thefirstcut.proboards105.com/index.cgi *
So, you know, check it out. And don't forget the official Grey's Anatomy writers blog. See what Carolina Paiz has to say and show the family some love.
* Editors note: be ready for portmanteaus galore including Mer/Der, Lexzie...I'll stop there.