Sunday, November 26, 2006


It stands for ahead of the curve. Which is what I am. Usually. Take for instance my claim in early 2002 that sweater jackets (swackets) for men would become the "new look." Four years passed and it didn't look like it was going to pan out. But wait, what's that portentous image with a grown out faux-hawk? Oh right, my point. Cause he proved it.

Time now for my next prediction. Though more macabre in nature and serious in tone, it nonetheless falls into the category of accurate shit that I predict. This week NATO leaders will meet in Riga and the issue of Afghanistan will top the reunion's agenda. With the global war on terror weighing heavy on peripheral allies who no longer see the point in sacrificing for America's self interest, NATO countries have seriously considered lowering if not totally withdrawing the troops they have committed to the Afghanistan campaign. How can the US stop this? Easy. Scare the shit out of somebody.

I am predicting that today's Sunday Morning talk shows as well as the upcoming weekly news cycle will focus on increasing violence in Afghanistan in order to pressure the international community publicly into recommitting to the war against the now defunct Taliban.

An admission of my total ignorance or a justification for why I was probably secretly right though nothing I prophesized came into fruition will follow after the meeting.


Anonymous said...

yes, but what about the 10,000th apology by Michael Richards and a newly renewed fight against "the N-word"? Now that's a good news cycle.

Mahotma in Herre said...

We here at TV on the INTERNETS are way into B.O.D. No, not getting Black Out Drunk like Michelle Rodriguez on a Hawaiian highway but "weblogging on demand." You want a post about the current debate surrounding the use of the "N-word?" Well coming soon: said post with gratuitous references to Boston Legal, Barbershop (the show), U-Turn (the movie) and obviously the L-Word. Why? Cause I was raised on TV.

Anonymous said...

well can't you at least make a top-10 list of hottest bitches on tv? i just read a semi-satisfying one, but f*ck, not a single non-white chick in the whole group. unless you count that girl from "las vegas"...but i think she's one of them faux-ethnic chicks, like mariska hargitay or the lezzie from nip/tuck.

at least give sandra oh the nod, i would love me some of that....mmmm FIESTY.

Mahotma in Herre said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the window on that "n-word" post opened and shut on my lazyfinger tips. But yeah, hottest ethnic chicks on TV? I think the one from Las Vegas was the one from The Rock? Are there any ethnic chicks on TV other than the cast of Girlfriends? The only one that comes to mind is that chick from Daybreak. And I guess the ladies of Living Single?

Anonymous said...

n-word? who cares about the n-word anyway. it's like getting frat boys to stop saying "pussy". just aint gonna happen.

what i want to know is, why is saturday night tv such crap? can you do a piece on this r-diggity? for those of us who stay home on saturday nights plopped on a couch wishing we had an x-box 360, why isnt there a show marketed for us?

Mahotma in Herre said...

Hey, raisenofoo, is you stalking me? I was going to do a post on this venture by FOX to launch a Saturday night sitcom called 360 Rock about Dwayne "The Rock" beating bikini clad girls in Madden '07 using only a Cover 2 Defense. But then I got Gears of War and I haven't showered or eaten anything other than a Pop Rock since.